Maud/Olson Library Catalogue
The Maud/Olson Library is a collection of more than 5500 books, periodicals, and other materials and held and made accessible by the Cape Ann Museum Library & Archives. Its collection is divided into the Olson Collection, that is comprised of Ralph Maud’s facsimile library of all the materials Charles Olson was known to have owned, referenced or read. Each item has a bookplate with Maud’s notes, many of which are still be transcribed into the catalogue. Additionally, the item record notes if there is marginalia present. Maud traveled to the Olson archive at the University of Connecticut and hand-copied Olson’s marginalia onto the facsimile copy. The Related Materials collection is the 600 items that accompanied the Olson collection in 2015 when it traveled from Vancouver to Gloucester and includes Olson’s works, letters, biographies, commentaries by others on Olson’s works, Gloucester-related materials, items related to Black Mountain College and Olson’s 4X8 foot writing table.